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Cuttlebones, Mousehole 1 RJ2 (Paul Naylor marinephoto)_edited.jpg
  • A long-term monitoring study focused on the Common Cuttlefish (Sepia officianalis)


  • Results from the project will explore changes in distribution across the year in accordance with breeding seasons as well as helping to understand habitat usage and behaviour of cuttlefish across the UK's waters


  • We are proud to work with local water sports providers on this citizen science project and encourage everyone to get involved in logging their cuttlefish sightings


Cuttlefish, Brighton Pier 2 RJ2 (Paul Naylor marinephoto).jpg
Cuttlefish group, Porthkerris 1 RJ2 (Paul Naylor 07041 351307) (1).jpg
Cuttlefish x3, Porthkerris 4 RJ2 (Paul Naylor marinephoto).jpg

© Dan Bolt

© paul naylor

We are currently developing new research projects in collaboration with our partner organisations and are very excited to be able to give you more details very soon...

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